2025 Bertha Challenge

Title: 2025 Bertha Foundation Challenge

Abstract: ALPA has become an instrument to support the work of Szocs Boruss Miklos Attila during his Bertha Foundation Fellowship year that focuses on empowering rural communities in Tara Calatei/Kalotaszeg, Transylvania, Romania and towards transforming the food system in response to climate and biodiversity crises.

Funded by: Bertha Foundation

Duration: 12 months

Extended Abstract:

The Bertha Challenge is an opportunity for activists and investigative journalists to spend a year working on one pressing social justice challenge and to deliver a body of work at the end of the Fellowship year. Through ALPA, Szocs Boruss Miklos Attila facilitates this opportunity for our bioregion. Attila works together with Szabo Tunde, an investigative journalist from Atlatszo Erdely.

The challenge of 2025? How is the interconnectedness between corporate interests and political power in farming contributing to the global climate crisis and what do people and communities do to expose and counter this?

Key Objectives:

  • Investigate the causes of and solutions to the annual Bertha Challenge question – this year it focuses on farming and climate crisis
  • Amplify their findings to a winder targeted audience
  • Connect with diverse stakeholders for information, support and sustainable impact.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Create follow-up edition of “Land for Life” documentary
    • One-hour documentary that will expand upon the previously presented short film by diving deeper on the grassroots level on the prevailing climate crisis, highlighting the status quo of current food systems, exposing the current financial and policy system subsidising farming, and exploring viable solutions. The documentary will feature interviews with farmers, environmentalists, and policy-makers, showcasing innovative practices that promote regeneration, resilience, social and environmental justice.
  • Organise 3 bioregional festivals
    • These festivals will serve as platforms for local communities to engage in discussions about the current food system and explore sustainable alternatives. Each festival will include workshops, panel discussions, and interactive sessions where community members can share their experiences and ideas. The festivals will foster a sense of community and collective action, encouraging participants to collaborate on local projects.
  • Conceive a report on “who are our future farmers?”

    • This report will identify emerging farmers in the bioregion, explore their motivations, and outline scenarios for the future of local agriculture. The report will include storytelling elements to humanize the data that will be gathered and investigated on the policies and financial mechanisms that enable the current agro-industrial food system of the region and make it more accessible to a broader audience.
  • Communication of project results


  • Szabo Tunde – Atlatszo Erdely


  • Atlatszo Erdely – FB post – here
  • ALPA – LinkedIn post – here 
  • More about the Bertha Challenge and Bertha Foundation – here
2025-01-29T20:55:07+00:00By |BIOREGIONAL REGENERATION|

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